Get Involved

Camp Icthus relies on the hard work and dedication of its membership. As an organisation run solely by a tight knit group of volunteers we are always keen to recruit new members with a diverse range of skills.

Over the past 50 years our volunteers have been responsible for maintaining and improving our bush site on Lake Victoria, organising and participating in fundraising events and of course running and leading on our amazing 10 day summer camps. People from all walks of life are valued and are vital for maintaining Camp Icthus’ success and longevity.

Getting involved with Camp Icthus is a great way to make new friends and gain valuable skills.  Whether you have a lot of time or just a little, Icthus values the contribution of it volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a Camp Icthus volunteer please email us at  to get involved or to receive the Icthus Informer and keep up to date with all our functions, camps and fundraisers.